
Wilhem Siebrecht
Geschäftsführer / Inhaber
Telefon: 05441 - 5970-14
Mobil: 0173 - 214 9623
Lucas Siebrecht
Produktionsleiter Spritzguss / Leiter Materialmanagement
Telefon: 05441 - 5970-12
Sebastian Schmedes
Technischer Leiter / Leiter Projektmanagement / Marketing
Telefon: 05441 - 5970-13
Mobil: 01511 - 7686299
Create lasting connections
Joints are made to last – with our unique bonding technology, we create the opportunity to permanently bind a wide variety of materials and components together.
We still manage to do this even when the finished joints are subjected to high mechanical or temperature-related pressure.
Our adhesive joints deliver what we promise!
Our fields of activity
Siebrecht actively supports your production through the targeted assembly and production of plastic parts and subassemblies, and makes exactly the right start to save resources and increase your potential.
With our experience we are able to support you even with difficult problem solutions – always keeping an eye on the delivery date.