Mechanical Engineering

Wilhem Siebrecht
Geschäftsführer / Inhaber
Telefon: 05441 - 5970-14
Mobil: 0173 - 214 9623
Lucas Siebrecht
Produktionsleiter Spritzguss / Leiter Materialmanagement
Telefon: 05441 - 5970-12
Sebastian Schmedes
Technischer Leiter / Leiter Projektmanagement / Marketing
Telefon: 05441 - 5970-13
Mobil: 01511 - 7686299
Mechanical Engineering
We make a machine YOUR machine
If it doesn’t fit, we don’t have it – this also applies to machines and production facilities. We undertake individual modifications to your equipment in order to equip it optimally for a specific part.
Our credo is always: not the product should adapt to the machine, but the machine should adapt to the product.
Our experience in setting, converting and optimizing your plant will inspire you: increase quality, accuracy, consistency or production volume – we make it fit!
Our fields of activity
Siebrecht actively supports your production through the targeted assembly and production of plastic parts and subassemblies, and makes exactly the right start to save resources and increase your potential.
With our experience we are able to support you even with difficult problem solutions – always keeping an eye on the delivery date.