
Wilhem Siebrecht
Geschäftsführer / Inhaber
Telefon: 05441 - 5970-14
Mobil: 0173 - 214 9623
Lucas Siebrecht
Produktionsleiter Spritzguss / Leiter Materialmanagement
Telefon: 05441 - 5970-12
Sebastian Schmedes
Technischer Leiter / Leiter Projektmanagement / Marketing
Telefon: 05441 - 5970-13
Mobil: 01511 - 7686299
Guaranteed well controlled
We do everything in production to ensure the best quality for your products – but sometimes that’s not enough. That is why we regularly carry out quality controls in the form of sightings.
This is because, for example, stripes and streaks can occur on coated surfaces, or undesirable side effects can arise during machine changes. We make mistakes too, but our controls ensure that defective parts don’t even make it into circulation, let alone to the customer.
Trust us when it comes to quality assurance!
Our fields of activity
Siebrecht actively supports your production through the targeted assembly and production of plastic parts and subassemblies, and makes exactly the right start to save resources and increase your potential.
With our experience we are able to support you even with difficult problem solutions – always keeping an eye on the delivery date.